CIPPA Image Competition
CIPPA Image Competitions
CIPPA Image Competitions are quarterly events conducted on Zoom. Zoom Competitions allow us to recruit a judging panel from all over the US. They are judged by a panel of 3 PPC or PPA-certified judges. (Professional Photographers of California or America Certified Judges
Peer Image Reviews
A Zoom meeting for members to get feedback on images they intend to submit in an upcoming competition.
To schedule all four Peer Image Reviews
Click on the image to the right
Click the Review Button
All four Peer Image Reviews will be booked
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Schedule Individual Image Competitions
Judges review and score images in advance. During the evening of the competition, the provide constructive critique to the artist. If the judge's scores are more than 10 points apart, the judges will discuss the image in more depth trying to convince each other of their perspective, and then the image is rescored. We have 4 peer reviews and Image competitions a year.
Click on the image to the right
Click the Book Competition Event
Select the Date
Use correct coupon code for # of images
Pay for images
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