Meetings and EventsChannel Islands Professional Photographers Association CIPPA Serving Ventura and Santa Barbara CountiesMost presentations are on Zoom, with limited in-person events throughout the 2022 year. View the list of our events here: www.cippa.org/events Want to become a member? View our page here: www.cippa.org/membership
Event Release Form
Name of Event:________________________________
Date of Event:_________________________________
We are pleased that you have chosen to attend a Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association (CIPPA) event. Our events include workshops, seminars, studio shares, photographic and other field trips. Some workshops and field trips may involve strenuous activities, such as climbing or long walks. Participants should consider this prior to signing up for such events if there are possible health issues.
As with all activities in life, there is always the possibility of unexpected incidents. Participants of CIPPA events will hold CIPPA harmless in the event of injuries of any kind, death, or stolen property (including camera equipment). Each participant is solely responsible for his or her participation in the event and agrees to that responsibility by signing this form. Failure to sign this form will negate participation in the specified event.
CIPPA strives to provide the best speakers for its events. The participant understands that CIPPA has provided attendees with the information given to CIPPA by the speaker(s) about the event. CIPPA is not responsible if the participant is not satisfied with the content of the event. There will be no refunds or other compensation provided if the participant feels that the event did not meet expectations.
By signing below, the participant also gives permission to be photographed/videotaped while participating in the event either for CIPPA publicity or by other event participants.
Signed by the Participant:________________________________ Date:__________
If the event participant is younger than 18 years old, a parent/guardian must also sign.
Signed by the Parent/Guardian:____________________________ Date:__________
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19 Notice and Waiver
The participant is hereby notified and agrees that:
1. While the State of California has eased or eliminated various COVID-19 based restrictions on businesses, The conduct and performance of the events being provided by the Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association are subject to current California guidelines. All participants agree to adhere to California rules and guidelines in place at the time the photography events are to be performed.
2. Based upon the scope of the social distancing restrictions in place at the time of the photography events, certain aspects of the event interaction may be altered, canceled, or postponed by necessity.
3. Participants agree to abide by the social distancing measures in force at the time of their session or event. Participants explicitly agree and understand that failure to adhere to such social distancing measures places them at increased risk of COVID-19 exposure or transmission and they will be asked to leave the event.
4. Participants assume all risks associated with potential COVID-19 transmission or exposure in relation to the photography events being provided and accept sole responsibility for an illness, injury, damages, claims or expense arising therefrom regardless of the identity of the person alleged to be at fault for such transmission or exposure.
5. As consideration for this waiver, the Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association agrees to waive any liability or claim against Participants for COVID-19 transmission or exposure.
6. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Waivers contained in Sections 4 and 5 of this Notice and Waiver shall not be interpreted to prohibit actions or claims against persons who knowingly participate in the photography events while exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or who knowingly participate while having an active COVID-19 infection.
Agreed and Accepted:
__________________________________________________ Date: ____________
__________________________________________________ Date: ____________
Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association
The state is tightening these controls now, this should be changes to stay that CIPPA will hold events in accordance with California’s current COVID guidelines.
Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association, CIPPA, Camarillo, California.